The Welfare Wave Network Store, a distinctive division operating under the esteemed legal entity Welfare Wave Society, Inc. At the heart of our mission is the belief that positive change begins with a collective effort to empower and uplift communities.
Welfare Wave Society, Inc. stands as the backbone of the Welfare Wave Network, serving as a member-based entity with a relentless dedication to creating a positive impact. Through collaboration, advocacy, and innovation, we strive to address social challenges and create lasting change.
Beyond offering a range of exclusive Welfare Wave Network Merchandise, our store is an avenue for unique products that align with our mission. We engage in drop shipping, product affiliation, product partnership, and social platform affiliations to curate a diverse and purpose-driven collection.
To ensure quality and variety, most of our products are sourced from partner manufacturers and suppliers spanning the USA, China, Australia, Canada, France, Italy, Germany, and local partners from the Philippines. Our strategic use of drops hipping methods enables us to provide a seamless shopping experience.
As a token of appreciation for their support, all members of Welfare Wave Network enjoy exclusive benefits when shopping at the Welfare Wave Network Store. Members receive an exceptional 50% discount on the majority of products available, making our offerings not only diverse but also highly affordable. Additionally, members have the opportunity to earn 15% as affiliates, contributing to our shared mission of community development.
We believe in rewarding our members for their loyalty and engagement. Welfare Wave Network members earn points with every purchase, interaction, and participation. These points can be redeemed as cash or used to unlock exclusive offers, creating a dynamic and engaging shopping experience.
(985) 845- 3570